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Annotate a backup with comments

This tutorial is about adding commnents to a backup.


This tutorial assumes that you have an installation of PostgreSQL 13+, OpenSSL and pgmoneta.

See Install pgmoneta for more detail.

Add a comment

You can add a comment by

pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf annotate primary newest add mykey mycomment
pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf annotate primary newest add mykey mycomment

Update a comment

You can update a comment by

pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf annotate primary newest update mykey mynewcomment
pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf annotate primary newest update mykey mynewcomment

Remove a comment

You can remove a comment by

pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf annotate primary newest remove mykey
pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf annotate primary newest remove mykey

View comments

You can view the comments by

pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf info primary newest
pgmoneta-cli -c pgmoneta.conf info primary newest